we care

let's be honest.

We do not close the loop, but we do care.

We try to see the bigger picture. Although we haven’t been able to make our products 100% sustainable yet, we do try to motivate our community to keep commuting by bicycle. We try to motivate you to workout, to shine bright, stay positive, stay healthy, and to set a good example for kids. Contrary to regular hi-vis vests that are often seen as cheap, disposable, or as promotional gifts, our bodyglowers are designed with the intention to last a lifetime. We hope that you’ll treat our products with the same care & love as we did when we designed them. 

What we can do.

As Gofluo creates high visibility wear, we mostly use fluorescent and reflective fabrics. Unfortunately only synthetic, non-ecological fabrics can be dyed neon to this day. To compensate we try to use ecological alternatives for trimmings & lining when possible. Sustainable materials are often expensive. Since we want the best value for your money, we are always on the lookout for the best price to quality ratio.

Most of our bodyglowers are packed in an uncoated cardboard or biodegradable bag. Furthermore we choose the most eco friendly options for transporting our goods.

made in china

At the beginning we looked into producing more locally. In our case a “made in Europe”-label would mean a more expensive product, without it actually being better for the environment. Our research showed that, regardless of the location of our production, the majority of the required fabrics had to be imported from outside of Europe.

As China produces the most affordable, good quality neon & reflective fabrics on the market, we decided to look for a fair transparent practice, close to our fabric factory. Our garments are produced at a safe workplace, where workers are protected and earn a fair wage. We found a team of dutch speaking expats from The Netherlands & Belgium who  coördinate our production process locally. 

Our factory signed the Dutch Sustainable Garment and Textile Agreement. They aim to use as much sustainable, ecological materials as possible and have annual meetings to exchange ideas and knowledge on sustainability. We are very confident that they will adapt the production process, in case  more sustainable options are available.

as a team

As a team we are all trying our best to contribute in our own way. At the lunch table we share our outdoor workout exercises, zero-waste tips, vegetarian recipes, and our favorite local brands & shops. Of course, we all come to work by bicycle so we can gush about how many Gofluo’s we’ve spotted on our way to the office. In case you know good alternatives to improve our products, or are aware of more sustainable, innovative techniques, please feel free to share them with us! We are always looking for improvements. 

about the team